
The Bifrost Network is a decentralized network managed by BFC holders. At the heart of the Bifrost Network's governance protocol, BFC holders reflect changes to the network by voting on the community's proposed referenda through a stake-weighted voting system based on their stakes.

All actions related to governance can be performed through the following Governance contract.

Governance contract

  • address: 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000800

  • Since the Solidity compiler does not support this function, it is recommended to call a method through the interface below.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only
pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

 * @title Pallet Governance Interface
 * The interface through which solidity contracts will interact with governance related pallets
 * Address :    0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000800

interface Governance {
    struct ongoing_referendum_info_meta_data {
        uint256 end;
        bytes32 proposal_hash;
        uint256 threshold;
        uint256 delay;
        uint256 ayes;
        uint256 nays;
        uint256 turnout;

    struct finished_referendum_info_meta_data {
        bool approved;
        uint256 end;

     * Get The total number of public proposals
     * Selector: 56fdf547
     * @return The total number of public proposals
    function public_prop_count() external view returns (uint256);

     * Get details of the deposit for a proposal.
     * Selector: a30305e9
     * @param prop_index The index of the proposal you are interested in
     * @return (total deposit, initial deposit, depositors)
    function deposit_of(uint256 prop_index)
        returns (
            address[] memory

     * Get details of the votes for a referendum.
     * Selector: 09daa4d8
     * @param ref_index The index of the referendum you are interested in
     * @return (referenda index, voters, voting powers, voting sides, convictions)
    function voting_of(uint256 ref_index)
        returns (
            address[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            bool[] memory,
            uint256[] memory

     * Get details of the votes for the given account.
     * Selector: 198a1bd9
     * @param account The account address you are interested in
     * @return A tuple including:
     * * The index of voted referendas (removable)
     * * The raw votes submitted for each referenda (conviction not applied)
     * * The voting side of each referenda (true: aye, false: nay)
     * * The conviction multiplier of each votes (0~6)
     * * The delegated amount of votes received for this account (conviction applied)
     * * The delegated raw amount of votes received for this account (conviction not applied)
     * * The block number that expires the locked balance
     * * The balance locked to the network
    function account_votes(address account)
        returns (
            uint256[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,
            bool[] memory,
            uint256[] memory,

     * Get the index of the lowest unbaked referendum
     * Selector: 0388f282
     * @return The lowest referendum index representing an unbaked referendum.
    function lowest_unbaked() external view returns (uint256);

     * Get the details about an ongoing referendum.
     * Selector: 8b93d11a
     * @dev This, along with `finished_referendum_info`, wraps the pallet's `referendum_info`
     * function. It is necessary to split it into two here because Solidity only has c-style enums.
     * @param ref_index The index of the referendum you are interested in
     * @return A tuple including:
     * * The block when voting on this referendum will end
     * * The proposal hash
     * * The biasing mechanism 0-SuperMajorityApprove, 1-SuperMajorityAgainst, 2-SimpleMajority
     * * The delay between passing and launching
     * * The total aye vote (including conviction)
     * * The total nay vote (including conviction)
     * * The total turnout (not including conviction)
    function ongoing_referendum_info(uint256 ref_index)
        returns (ongoing_referendum_info_meta_data memory);

     * Get the details about a finished referendum.
     * Selector: b1fd383f
     * @dev This, along with `ongoing_referendum_info`, wraps the pallet's `referendum_info`
     * function. It is necessary to split it into two here because Solidity only has c-style enums.
     * @param ref_index The index of the referendum you are interested in
     * @return A tuple including whether the referendum passed, and the block at which it finished.
    function finished_referendum_info(uint256 ref_index)
        returns (finished_referendum_info_meta_data memory);

     * Make a new proposal
     * Selector: 7824e7d1
     * @param proposal_hash The hash of the proposal you are making
     * @param value The number of tokens to be locked behind this proposal.
    function propose(bytes32 proposal_hash, uint256 value) external;

     * Signal agreement (endorsement) with a proposal
     * Selector: c7a76601
     * @dev No amount is necessary here. Seconds are always for the same amount that the original
     * proposer locked. You may second multiple times.
     * @param prop_index index of the proposal you want to second
     * @param seconds_upper_bound A number greater than or equal to the current number of seconds.
     * This is necessary for calculating the weight of the call.
    function second(uint256 prop_index, uint256 seconds_upper_bound) external;

     * Vote on a referendum.
     * Selector: f56cb3b3
     * @param ref_index index of the referendum you want to vote in
     * @param aye `true` is a vote to enact the proposal; `false` is a vote to keep the status quo.
     * @param vote_amount The number of tokens you are willing to lock if you get your way
     * @param conviction How strongly you want to vote. Higher conviction means longer lock time.
     * This must be an integer in the range 0 to 6
     * @dev This function only supposrts `Standard` votes where you either vote aye or nay.
     * It does not support `Split` votes where you vote on both sides. If such a need
     * arises, we should add an additional function to this interface called `split_vote`.
    function vote(
        uint256 ref_index,
        bool aye,
        uint256 vote_amount,
        uint256 conviction
    ) external;

    /** Remove a vote for a referendum.
     * Selector: 2042f50b
     * @dev Locks get complex when votes are removed. See pallet-democracy's docs for details.
     * @param ref_index The index of the referendum you are interested in
    function remove_vote(uint256 ref_index) external;

     * Delegate voting power to another account.
     * Selector: 0185921e
     * @dev The balance delegated is locked for as long as it is delegated, and thereafter for the
     * time appropriate for the conviction's lock period.
     * @param target The account to whom the vote shall be delegated.
     * @param conviction The conviction with which you are delegating.
     * This must be an integer in the range 0 to 6
     * @param amount The number of tokens whose voting power shall be delegated.
    function delegate(
        address target,
        uint256 conviction,
        uint256 amount
    ) external;

     * Undelegate voting power
     * Selector: cb37b8ea
     * @dev Tokens may be unlocked once the lock period corresponding to the conviction with which
     * the delegation was issued has elapsed.
    function undelegate() external;

     * Unlock tokens that have an expired lock.
     * Selector: 2f6c493c
     * @param target The account whose tokens should be unlocked. This may be any account.
    function unlock(address target) external;

     * Register the preimage for an upcoming proposal. This doesn't require the proposal to be
     * in the dispatch queue but does require a deposit, returned once enacted.
     * Selector: 200881f5
     * @param encoded_proposal The scale-encoded proposal whose hash has been submitted on-chain.
    function note_preimage(bytes memory encoded_proposal) external;

     * Register the preimage for an upcoming proposal. This requires the proposal to be
     * in the dispatch queue. No deposit is needed. When this call is successful, i.e.
     * the preimage has not been uploaded before and matches some imminent proposal,
     * no fee is paid.
     * Selector: cf205f96
     * @param encoded_proposal The scale-encoded proposal whose hash has been submitted on-chain.
    function note_imminent_preimage(bytes memory encoded_proposal) external;

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