
What is the Bifrost Network?

The Bifrost Network is a public blockchain built on the Substrate framework and fully compatible with the Ethereum API, providing developers with access to a wide range of libraries and development environments.

The Bifrost Network is designed with a "multichain-first" approach, which natively enables interaction and communication between different blockchains through a decentralized cross-chain channel. DApps on the Bifrost Network can utilize a range of promising cryptocurrencies from any supported blockchains through the Bifrost Network's cross-chain communication protocol. The core validators on the Bifrost Network also serve as relayers, transmitting cross-chain messages across multiple blockchains to facilitate this communication. This cross-chain readiness creates a multichain-oriented environment that offers developers huge opportunities to develop innovative and diverse applications.

What makes developing and running applications on the Bifrost Network enjoyable?

Cross-chain Interoperability

The Bifrost Network has its own Cross-Chain Communication Protocol (CCCP) that enables native support for cross-chain actions. Overcoming the inherent limitations of multichain (i.e., fragmented liquidity and market), DApps can offer their services to a broader range of users and provide more comprehensive services.

Built-in token bridge interacting with DApps: CCCP is a key component of the Bifrost Network that enables the seamless transfer of tokens between different blockchain networks. Designated contracts on the Bifrost Network manage the cross-chain transfer of tokens at the smart contract level. By using CCCP, decentralized applications (DApps) can easily integrate cross-chain token transfer actions into their services.

Multichain-ready resources (Token and Oracle): One of the main challenges faced by DApps operating across multiple blockchain networks is accessing and using primary resources, such as tokens and oracle data feeds, from different blockchain networks due to their inherent incompatibilities. This lack of clarity on handling multichain assets can hinder the development and adoption of DApps. The Bifrost Network supports representative forms of primary resource that is optimized for use with CCCP.

Extending legacy single-chain DApps to support multichain: CCCP provides bridge integration methods (e.g., Bridge and BridgeAndCall) at smart contract level so that DApps can extend their actions for a single blockchain to interwork with DApps in the Bifrost Network. It allows developers to convert their regular DApps into multichain DApps by integrating them with the Bifrost Network.

DApp-Friendly Environment

The Bifrost Network is a well-established and fully-equipped platform for DApps developers, built on the extensive experience of a long-time service provider of BiFi. It offers essential features and resources to support the development and operation of DApps.

Price oracle aggregation: The Bifrost Oracle is a reliable source for cryptocurrency prices, offering real-time data for decentralized finance (DeFi) services. By aggregating and verifying data from both on-chain and off-chain data sources, the Bifrost Oracle helps to prevent unexpected price spikes and manipulation attacks. In addition, the low gas fee of the Bifrost Network allows the Bifrost Oracle to update its price data more frequently than other oracle services, providing users with accurate, up-to-date information that closely reflects real-time market prices.

EVM Compatibility

The Bifrost Network supports smart contracts on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). Developers may create DApp in Solidity and use the following well-known tools and resources to aid in the development process.

  • Seamless migration of essential Solidity library. e.g., OpenZeppelin’s SafeMath, SafeERC20, SafeProxy.

  • Compatibility with client libraries. e.g., Web3, Ether.js,

  • Development environments. e.g., HardHat, Brownie, Truffle, Metamask.

  • Security analysis tools. e.g., Manticore, Mythril, Oyente, Solgraph.

  • Ethereum asset standards. e.g., ERC-20, ERC-721.

Last updated